
Sisko:  Fishing can be challenging at the same time relaxing, we like to explore different Rivers/Lakes to catch the avast array specie fish, Fishing is the sport we love!

Kristian:  I think fishing is a great way to let your life be free, once you get a grip of the rod you can feel the intensity and joy expand through your body until you catch a fish.

Joshua:  I like fishing because it gives me a sense of freedom and it's suspenseful, you never know when the fish will bite however when they do it's the best adrenaline rush and you need to be ready.

Kurt : It's peace, it's serenity ,its thrilling and it's relaxing.It can be done alone or with ya mates .......Whoop I've got a bite now !

Trae : I enjoy fishing for the excitement ,fun and adventure the thrill of reeling in the unknown.Once that float goes down the adrenaline kicks in,giving it my all for the catch.

Junior Team Member: Kristian 
Executive Club President : Sisko
Junior Team Member : Joshua

" Boat fishing "

Plan carefully before going out on the water. Make sure all your safety equipment, including a radio, is in good working order before you go out in the water. Also check fuel levels before you leave.Have your motor and boat serviced regularly.Update your boating knowledge regularly and practice your skills.

© 2019 Team Ofishal Fishing Club 
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